The Roots of Progress

Hosting a new Interintellect panel series: “Doing Better”

I’m pleased to announce that I’m hosting a new monthly series of online panel discussions for Anna Gát’s Interintellect. The series is titled “Doing Better at…” and we’ll be covering topics including science funding, teaching progress, and optimism.

Our first event is “Doing Better at… Funding Scientific Research” with Michael Nielsen and Celine Halioua:

Progress doesn’t happen without funding. And to promote progress, there is arguably nothing more important to fund than research. But is research funding working well today?

Scientists often complain that the traditional grant-making progress is slow, risk-averse, and too taxing on the investigator’s time. What does the research funding landscape look like today? And how could it be improved?

This Sunday, May 31, at 12 noon US Pacific time. Register here.

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