The Roots of Progress

Podcasts: Future of Life Institute, Breakthrough Science Summit panel

Two new podcasts featuring me:

Future of Life Institute Podcast with Gus Docker

We covered the history of progress, the future of economic growth, and the relationship between progress and risks from AI:

Breakthrough Science Summit panel moderated by Ramez Naam

Former Prime Movers Lab Futurist Ramez Naam moderates a panel with The Roots of Progress Founder Jason Crawford, Idea Machines Host Ben Reinhardt, and Prime Movers Lab Venture Partner Amy Kruse to discuss the fundamental research that the US needs to invest in and how it will impact the economy.

The conversation is an excerpt from the Prime Movers Lab Breakthrough Science Summit hosted in Scottsdale, Arizona on October 27th, 2022.

As always, see all my talks and interviews here.

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