The Roots of Progress

One week left to apply for the Roots of Progress Blog-Building Intensive

The application deadline for the the 2024 cohort of The Roots of Progress Blog-Building Intensive is Friday, June 7—just over a week away. If you want to apply, do it now.

The Blog-Building Intensive is an eight-week program for aspiring progress writers to start or grow a blog. It also makes you a Roots of Progress fellow, which means that even after the intensive, you are part of our network and we are committed to supporting your career success as a progress writer. See more details on the program homepage.

Not just for beginning writers

Are you an experienced writer, and wondering if you’ll get anything out of the program? It is not only for beginning writers!

Last cohort, many of our fellows were experienced professionals: Several worked full-time for relevant think tanks, some had academic positions, some had published in major media outlets, some had successful Substacks with large audiences.

They joined the fellowship for various reasons: to grow their audience, to build a personal brand, to write more in their own voice, to meet our fabulous lineup of advisors, to get more connected to the progress community, to join a peer group of writers excited about progress.

Brian Balkus, who had already published in Palladium Magazine, said:

I found this program incredibly helpful even as a somewhat more established writer. It enabled me to meet some fantastically intelligent and interesting writers and develop relationships that will hopefully extend beyond the program. No matter where you are in your writing career this program can help refine your thinking, make you a better writer, and grow professionally.

Elle Griffin, who already had over 10,000 Substack subscribers, said:

The Roots of Progress Fellowship was life-changing. In 10 years, all of the fellows in my program will be famous intellectuals who are actively creating a better future, and I’ll know it all started here and that we built it together.

Jenni Morales, who was a researcher at the Center for Growth and Opportunity, said:

This is the most unique group of people and writers and intellectuals that I’ve had the opportunity to sort of bump shoulders with, and it’s been so valuable and so interesting. I’ve just been exposed to so many new and interesting ideas. I think the rigor and level of thought that they put into their work is really impressive.

So, don’t worry that you’re overqualified. Just apply.

But you don’t need to be already established

Mostly, we are looking for people who:

You don’t have to be published, and you don’t have to have a significant audience/following. Those things help, but we are looking for people who are mostly undiscovered. Our goal is to help you get the audience you deserve.

AI and heavy industry tracks

Reminder, this year you have the option of applying for the general track or one of two focus tracks:

You’ll meet and get to know others interested in the same topics, and you’ll get to hear from our fantastic lineup of advisors, including:

We also have a great lineup of general progress intellectuals and writing/audience-building guides, including Tyler Cowen (Mercatus Center), Max Roser (Our World in Data), Eli Dourado (Abundance Institute), Noah Smith, and Virginia Postrel. Check out all the advisors and other program details on the program page.

And, did I mention? The deadline is next Friday, so apply today.

Still not convinced?

Our best advocates for the 2024 program are the 2023 cohort, who sang its praises as “life-changing” and “accelerating my career path as a progress intellectual.” Hear it from them:

Deadline is next Friday

Did someone say that already? Anyway, apply today.

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