The Roots of Progress

Announcing The Roots of Progress Blog-Building Intensive

Today we’re launching The Roots of Progress Blog-Building Intensive, an 8-week program for aspiring progress writers to start or grow a blog.

What: Through this program you will launch (or re-launch) a blog/Substack, get into a regular writing habit, improve your writing, and begin building your audience.

You will meet and learn from progress studies experts, authors, and think tank leaders; and join a community of peers. You’ll participate in a special cohort of Write of Passage, the online writing school, to create writing habits and develop a writing system—we’re partnered with them to tailor the instruction for deeply researched, long-form essays. At the end, we’ll all get together in person for a 3-day event in San Francisco.

Why: To keep progress going—in science, technology, and industry—we have to believe that it is is possible and desirable.

Today we lack a bold, ambitious vision for the future. It’s time for a new generation of intellectuals to help the world understand and appreciate progress.

Advisors: We have a fantastic lineup of advisors including Tyler Cowen (Mercatus Center), Allison Duettmann (Foresight Institute), Bret Kugelmass (Last Energy), Johan Norberg (author, Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future), Steven Pinker (author, Enlightenment Now), Virginia Postrel (author, The Future and Its Enemies), Alec Stapp (Institute for Progress), Derek Thompson (The Atlantic), Alex Trembath (Breakthrough Institute), Marian Tupy (, and Tamara Winter (Stripe Press).

Who: This program may be for you if you’re excited about progress studies and you love to write.

Maybe you’d like to explore a career in writing about progress, or maybe you’re already blogging but would like to get to the next level—find your own topic area, increase your productivity, get more plugged into the community, and grow your audience.

Commitment: 10–15 hours a week, for 8 weeks.

You’ll use the time to read, to write, to participate in discussions with experts, to provide editing and feedback to your peers, and to participate in group meetings.

There is no cost to you.

When: Program runs Sep 15–Nov 17. Applications are open now, deadline Aug 11.

Special thanks to O’Shaughnessy Ventures for helping to sponsor this program!

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