The Roots of Progress

The Roots of Progress has been recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, so it’s a good time to announce that The Roots of Progress has received its 501(c)(3) determination letter from the IRS, officially recognizing its non-profit status. This means that, in the US, all donations made since May 2021 are tax-deductible. It also allows for donations via vehicles such as donor-advised funds.

Thanks to the generous support of many donors, we’ve exceeded our initial first-year fundraising goal of $500,000, and have raised the target to $750,000–$1,000,000. You can support us via Patreon or PayPal, or get in touch to talk about a larger or one-time contribution via another method. If you’re interested in making a donation via your donor-advised fund and are unable to find us via their tools, please reach out and we will help as much as we can.

Your donation supports my writing and speaking, including this blog and my forthcoming book. It also supports our efforts to build and strengthen the wider progress community, through both online forums and offline events—details to be announced.

See here for links and information on how to support our work. Thank you!

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